rant |rant|  verb: [no object] speak or shout at length in an angry, impassioned way. noun: a spell of ranting; a tirade. This month's Ranter is Táňa Geršiová At least since the 1942 publication of Montaghu’s Man’s Most Dangerous Myth: The…

rant |rant|  verb: [no object] speak or shout at length in an angry, impassioned way. noun: a spell of ranting; a tirade. This month's Ranters are Abdullah Yusuf, Craig McCluskie and Joseph Royce. Six years on from the official end of the…

rant |rant|  verb: [no object] speak or shout at length in an angry, impassioned way. noun: a spell of ranting; a tirade. This month's Ranter is Oliver Goff On 12 October 2017, the US department of State officially announced its intention…